Midweek Roll Ups

2023-24 Midweek Roll Ups

This season, we’re splitting the organisation of the three Midweek Roll Ups between different people. Here’s the detail:

Monday – starts at 1.00 pm. Register by 12.30 pm. Organiser: Steve Jones

Thursday – starts at 10.00 am. Register by 9.30 am. Organiser: Glynnis Watkins.

Friday – starts at 1.00 pm. Register by 12.30 pm. Organiser: Steve Jones. 

This season we have monthly Friday Roll Ups sponsored by Ryman Healthcare - Logan Campbell Village.

Register by phoning the club and choosing the Match Committee option on 09 636 5449. You can also hear updated cancellation messages on the Midweek Roll Ups on this number.